Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Cross your fingers, do a rain dance, sacrifice a four-legged animal. Just do whatever ritual you can think of and pray Favre and his ass-slapping antics don't put him in the Super Bowl. I can barely take the somehow increasingly marketing inflated, detail debating Super Bowl week, but I know if you throw Brett Favre into that mix, I will have my TV off for the entirety of that week, then reluctantly watch the game, praying my balls off that Peyton and the Colts win it.

The Saints are an easy team to pull for, especially after Reggie Bush showed his former self. I know I'm not the only one that's jaw dropped when they saw this...

That juke is just incredible and is so reminiscent of his 2005 heisman campaign. Don't anybody forget, that Reggie Bush was a sick freak, that should of been locked away during that last year at USC. And I hoping, praying, that Reggie will get back to his roots and become the most exciting player in the NFL, like he was in college. So, watch the clip, get hyped for the Saints and pray Favre doesn't make the Super Bowl, or we all will likely have ear infections for the rest of February.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Zach Galifiankis does this segment, called Between Two Ferns. It is consistently hilarious. Here is Conan's appearance on the show...

Monday, January 18, 2010

5 Bands Worth Checking Out(5 of 5)

The last of this group of posts, features Temper Trap. I've heard the single on TV, hyping up some show about 5 young lawyers, that will try their hardest not to get canceled after one season. I hope you don't think I have emotional problems after listing so many indie bands.

Temper Trap - Conditions(2009)

Almost every song on the album is a hit, except for Soldier On. Sweet Disposition, Love Lost, Fader, Science of Fear, being the best.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well I'm on day 5 of strep throat and let me tell how fun its been. I was getting a sore throat Wednesday and thought it was uncomfortable, but not terrible. Thursday, I couldn't swallow without cringing. WebMd told me it might be strep. Friday, I saw the doc, and his diagnosis was, "hey, have you taken a look at this thing yourself?" Um, no. "Oh man, well your throat is bright red, and one of your tonsils is white and leaking puss." That's appaling thanks for sharing that. The great thing about strep, is that meds don't do squat, cough drops, throat spray...nothing. So basically, strep led to me being unable to eat, sleep, or drink.

Other side effects of strep throat included unhealthy amounts of Facebook, 5 hrs minimum of Sportscenters, and excitement concerning the Golden Globes. Also, I know what exactly each fast food chain is trying to push right now.

McDonalds - Macwrap.
Burger King - $1 Double Cheeseburger. Larger than McD's.
Wendy's - Nothing special.
Taco Bell - 7 item Healthy thing. 7 Layer Burrito - 89c. Not an inside deal.
KFC - Fiery Grilled Wings.
Arby's - Don't see those anymore.
In and Out - Breakfast anytime you want it.
Sonic - Damnit. I've seen a few of these but can't remember.

Anyway, my illness is coming to a close and not only has it upset me with general discomfort, but it kept me out of a hilarious tragedy that happened to my lovely pet, Isabella.

This is the first time, I've talked about Iz, so let me start from the beginning. This might take a while.

After finishing college, many times, people feel the urge to get a dog. I wanted one, and I still do, but that is just not feasible in Bermuda mostly due to the ridiculous cost of dog food and everything associated. Second, I'd hate to keep a dog couped up in my tiny ass apartment all day long.

So, obviously instead of being defeated by no canine. You start to brainstorm to what is feasible. Luckily, the Wind is a fantastic breeding ground for retarded ideas and bad decisions. I'm not saying Isabella was a bad decision, but drinking and hypothesizing at the Wind until 3am most often distorts reality.

It started out as a joke between myself and another co-worker. We have goats nearby, and thought they were pretty awesome. There's about 4-5 goats that live at an energy plant across from BIOS, and these guys don't want to pay for lawncare, so they just have 5 goats walking around. That's like handing 600 dollars to the landscaping guys, and say "Hey you, cut my grass forever."

So, more and more we found more and more positives of having a goat, like, Street Cred...around BIOS, maybe being able to ride it, having our own herd, being able to walk out at lunch to hang out with a goat, listening to the ridiculous noises they make, and just in general raising a baby goat. Who gets to do that?

Talks about a goat went on for at least 4 months. Then hype started building up, where would we keep it, should we tell BIOS, what happens if it doesn't work out? Answers came easily, field next to our housing-tied up with room to move, no, and eat it. So, on July 25, my buddy, John, and I, rode into St. George's farm to work out a deal with a baby goat.

We picked out a beautiful baby goat, female, that was about 4 months old.

She's beautiful, isn't she. A. Mazzenga was also around during this time and came up with a pretty awesome, irrevelent name for her, Cinderblock. However, the name Isabella was proposed and was quickly accepted over CB.

Now remember, we didn't tell BIOS we were getting this goat, we just hoped on showing up with an adorable baby goat, there could be no refusal for its adoption. Everybody loved Isabella as soon as she showed up, but Izzy's first reaction(which I don't blame her) was to shit everywhere. This is a common theme with her. She just got seperated from 25 goats and her mom and now was on a lease. She wouldn't walk, but was easy enough to carry. We were told by the farmer that it'd be a few weeks before Izzy would settle down. We didn't know how freaked out she'd be to start though.

We had her set up next to our apartment housing, in a large field, with tons of access to bushes, grass, and a shelter, which was a a underneath a halfpipe. Mostly everyone thought this was a good solution, until we built our enclosure. We didn't realize that literally everyone at BIOS had owned or raised goats in their life and we were bombarded by advice and about what we were doing wrong. We took all the advice into consideration, but knew many people were calling us irresponsible idiots. Whatever, its a goat, she'll be fine.

Isabella spent the next week or so, crying in the morning, not eating her food(apples, bread, carrots), and getting herself wrapped up in the bushes. I've never seen an animal so clueless with its restraints. Still, she seemed to be enjoying herself, we took her for walks and she loved them, and finally she started to eat everything in her site. She had visitors walk by her every few hours to pet and chat with her. She was treated pretty well. Apparently, we did know how well until one night, when I saw a tent popped up right outside Izzy's half pipe.

This was at midnight or so and I was coming home from the Wind and noticed the tent. I knew exactly who it was. The previous morning, I woke up early to take Izzy for a walk, only to find she was missing. She hadn't escaped from her lead, but it was removed. God damnit, who the hell steals a goat. I started a quick jog around BIOS, and I first checked a place we walk to regularly. Yep, there she was with another technician and she feeding her an assortment of fine nuts and fruit. The culprit was Meg, and I was fucking pissed off, but didn't show it.

Me: Oh hey, Meg, thank god, you have her. I thought she was stolen.
Meg: Oh.
Me: Yeah, maybe you should tell us if you're gonna take her for a walk.

Meg says nothing. I go hang out with Izzy, while she's playing on rocks/licking them. Basically, waiting for Meg to leave too. That's not happening though. I told her, I needed to get to work and it was time for Izzy to get back home. So Meg and I walked her back. So, obviously I'm thinking, why the hell is this woman so attached to a goat, it's not even hers, she spent half of saturday reading on the grass next to it. The best description of Meg is a frumpy, lonely, crazy lady. Which, wasn't the case before I knew her goat obsessions, she was actually quite nice, but just quiet.

So, I knew who was in the tent. And the following morning, John and I thought it'd be a good idea to have a chat with her. So, I walked to work, thinking about what I'd say to Meg, and was delightfully surprised when I saw this on my email account. The following email was addressed to the BIOS public, all-encompassing, corporate wide email group, that has almost anyone that has ever been to BIOS and is associated with it. Here we go, this is awesome...

"John and Doug:

Seriously, do the two of you share a single brain cell?

As if it's not bad enough that you didn't ask permission to get this goat, haven't provided it housing, and haven't fed it since getting it on
Friday (the bacon she didn't want to eat notwithstanding), now I see you can't even operate a bale of hay?!?!? I mean at least you've finally gotten her some food, but come on it's just beyond cruel to put it near her when she can't get it and hasn't eaten properly since she arrived.

So here are some basic hay bale operation instructions:

1. Put it ON the pallet, not next to it
That way the bottom of the bale stays dry. I mean since you've just spent $400 on a goat and are now broke you don't want to waste any of that hay do you!?

2. OPEN IT!!!
Use a knife or scissors to cut the string, so she can get the hay out and into her mouth. So I opened this one for you, but I'm leaving soon so try to remember those two basic principles, ok?

Also since she's terrified of children and wasn't dehorned you should really warn everyone about the danger of kids getting near her. I mean like I've been telling you since May you're probably going to get evicted for this stunt, but criminal negligence charges when some poor kid loses an eye are a whole different story!


So, you can see Meg is insane. First, John and I have many brain cells and keep them to ourselves. Second, what is housing for a goat? I know now, she meant, why is she not living in a tent. Third, she was getting ample food, water, and not bacon. Fourth, the bale of hay was completely in her reach, and still strung together, for ease of movement. Basically every single one of her statements is a fabricated lie. This obviously upset us, but mostly it was calling us out on a bullshit price for the goat and calling us broke. If you were at ANY other company, and you publicly called out someone's financial situation, you'd be fired immediately.

After that got sent out, John and I got several emails sympathsizing to us or requesting the use of our single, brilliant brain cell. In short, we called her out, got her to apologize. That same night, we had to drag Isabella out of the tent AGAIN, where Meg was most likely molesting it. Luckily, there was an empty apartment, someone was moving into so she was able to spent the night inside.

A few minutes after this photo was taken, she took a piss and a dump all over the bed. I thought this was hilarious.

After that night we decided we needed to find Isabella a different home. She was in a very public place, and our idea of raising her would be ridiculed no matter what. We already had a backup, so we moved her to a friend and neighbor of BIOS, who before buying the goat, said he'd help us out if anything ever went wrong. His son wanted a goat, they had already had a sheep, so there was fencing, a small shed for it, and a kick ass dog for company. Perfect. But, we couldn't let Meg abuse us over email, so I sent this back out, Titled - BBQ Canceled...

"Hi everyone,

There are some things that need to be cleared up. Upon purchase of our goat, we were very, very excited to raise her on mint jelly and bacon. After several days of fighting the urge to barbeque, we've decided we quite like Isabella. In case nobody realized, Isabella is Greek for 'tasty feast'.

Many of you have emailed your concerns and those that we have addressed are aware that we have FULL intentions on raising Isabella in proper conditions. We appreciate everyone's advice and have used much of it already. And please, if you do have concerns, please raise them to us (in an appropriate forum) as we have talked to as many people as possible to assure a happy goat and can answer many of your questions. Our next step is a proper enclosure for Isabella, that will provide a place to walk free, have access to shrubbery and shade, and also include a shelter that would give her comfort at night and during hot days.

Thank you, Doug and John"

So for the past 7 months, Izzy, has been living a wonderful life, next door, and seems quite happy. She's got a full yard of shrubs and grass to devour, has two little kids who adore it, gets visits from the parents almost daily.

From raising a goat, I've learned a few things:

-Goats will literally eat anything that is not appetitizing. I gave her a banana and she went straight for the peel. She loves cardboard and cigarette butts.
-Goat shit is the most beautifully wrapped excrement I have ever seen.
-A goat does not care about you, no matter how much care you give it. All it wants to do is eat.
-It will fight anything that looks its size. Izzy hates the lawnmower and will butt it for hours.
-From all the advice I got about goats...almost none of it helped or applied to Isabella.

All the advice, give it hay, give it goat feed, she's gotta have a cold water. All that crap is non-sense. It is a goat. Her happiest moment, is finding a new bush she wasn't seen in a while. I'm serious, I see her for a few minutes each day and she seems pumped, then she just starts looking at the ground and ignores me. People complained that she's a herd animal and needs her herd...not if she grows up without one. My conclusion is that Isabella has not been a bad decision...could of handled it better, but she has got to be one of the most priveledged goats on the island.

Damn, this has been one hell of a post. Thought I needed to share the whole story. Isabella's latest adventure, occured, Friday, while I was inmobile with strep. Apparently, Iz fell into the yards shit-pit, 2m deep. She was found crying, covered in shit. I find it kind of ironic because she shits on everything...

and always greets with a shit and a piss...

However, she was saved quickly. A ladder was dropped down and she was smart enough to climb up it. After a blast from the hose, she was ok. Very disappointed I missed out on that action.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the story of Isabella, and I'm sure she'd love any of you to come visit.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How the hell did this get to a court of law?

Let me start by saying, I do not follow Reader's Digest and not sure I ever will in the future after reading this article, "Should a Nine-Year-Old Boy Be Circumcised Against His Wishes?" . The author, Ms. Vicki Glembecki poses an interesting question in her subtitle..."A divorced father converts to Judaism and wants his son circumcised. The mother says no way. Now what?"

Now what? I know what you're thinking, "Hell yeah they should cut that off. Strap him down if doesn't want to, that's why the invented restraining orders." But that's actually not why restraining orders exist and maybe you guys are jumping to conclusions.

Glembecki shouldn't be attacked for the piece and neither should Reader's Digest; the author actually does a very concise job of explaining both sides to the story. But misses one large point. The son's father, James Boldt is fucking insane. I don't have a great idea how most circumcisions are performed, nor do I want to, but as I'm writing this...I got curious and looked it up. I totally regret doing this and now I'm going to have to share it with you. Here's what AskDrSears says about the procedure.

"Baby is placed on a restraining board, and straps secure his hands and feet. The tight adhesions between the foreskin and the glans (or head) of the penis are separated with a medical instrument. The foreskin is held in place by metal clamps while a cut is made into the foreskin to about one-third of its length. A metal or plastic bell is placed over the head of the penis to protect the glans, and the foreskin is pulled up over the bell and the circumferentially cut."

Jesus christ. Restraining board, straps to secure hands and feet, and penis clamps. Why does this sound more like SAW 4 then a medical procedure?

People have their religious rights and what not, but you can't convert to judaism and then all of a sudden want your son circumcized at age 9. You missed your window of opportunity for slicing dicks, which runs out as soon as you leave the hospital for the first time.

I can't believe this man needed a judge to tell him he couldn't do this. Thankfully, the court decided that a 9yr old is able to decide what gets done to his body if it causes any sort of pain or disfiguration. Unfortunately, the court decided not to place Mr. Boldt in a mental institute.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Missed Opportunity

Missed out on today, at least in the Atlantic Time zone. I'm not gonna apologize.

Had our first day of indoor lacrosse, which is pretty much nothing like lacrosse. Good workout though. I decided to prepare for this by having a greasy burger(45min prior), pan cooked, and on a dirty pan, and I kid you not, I used the previous evening to cook italian sausages. 3 hours later I'm still recovering from nearly tossing all of that on the gym floor. Is this appropriate to discuss on a public forum?

I also have a fairly large confession to make. Before lacrosse....I did an hour session of yoga, which I like to call stretching with a fee. I ACTUALLY enjoyed it, we did it a few times in lacrosse and there's a mandatory nap time of 15 minutes at the end. That kicks ass! There needs to more organized naps in the work place. Especially at FOXNEWS, they're so cranky! Not you though, Cudds, you deserve nap time, just as much as anybody.

All I got for today. There's your lackluster post for the day. I'd be excited for the story of Isabella Bell-Casey tomorrow. Music video to wrap it up.

Monday, January 11, 2010

5 Bands Worth Checking Out (4 of 5)

You might recognize this from some fancy Cadillac commercial and maybe one or two phone commercials. Phoenix is originally from Paris and has put out 4 albums so far, with their most recent throwing them into the spotlight.

Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That(2006)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix(2009)

Both albums are straight-through listens.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Back in the fall, I and a few others were heading down town to Hamilton. Hamilton is the only place in Bermuda with legitimate night life. Before we headed down there, we dropped by a surprise birthday of friends cousin at a boat club. Literally knew no one there. It turned out to be a great decision as we had free booze, free snacks, and free stories about a wizard's sleeve and prostitutes from Vietnam told by an absurd Brit.

While I was getting multiple free drinks at the bar, I started talking with somebody. I asked where he was from. Chicago.

DB: "Oh, nice, I'm from the Midwest too."
CHI: "Oh cool man, where's that?"
DB: "Detroit"
CHI: "Haha. Whoa alright, don't want any trouble from you. Haha"

What? Now, I know you're joking buddy, but take a fucking look at me. Does it look like I'm gonna cause any problems? No. The only problems I'll cause is when I can't get into the Millenium Force at Cedar Point because height restrictions. Then, we have problems.

So, I played along. I stared at him a little bit, then threw him against the wall.

CHI: "Whoa, whoa, I said no problems, man, no problems."

Apparently he thought that was funny(which it is) and laughed it off. Two days later I killed him. Cause that's how we roll.

Here's Blackmilk and Royce Da 5'9'' repping Detroit. Detroit doesn't just have Em.

Friday and Saturday, I usually won't be writing on the blog. None of you are gonna be on here looking for new posts. Funny picture to wrap it up.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

5 Bands Worth Checking Out (3 of 5)

Sorry for all these music posts. I know you'd rather see some satirical commentary, but you guys are getting a post a day so fucking deal with it. These dudes are from Sweden and have a nice combo of electronica, rock and pop - Europe's undiscovered, less happier version of Passion Pit.

Miike Snow - Miike Snow(2009)

Songs to check out: Animal, Cult Logic, Black and Blue, A Horse is not a Home, In Search of Main

The video features Anthony Hrusovsky in 35 years.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

5 Bands Worth Checking Out (2 of 5)

Staying inside the UK. White Lies are three bros from London that like writing songs about death. I guess you could call it emo...but its not lame emo. Check out Friendly Fires, The Big Pink, or The Foals if you're satisfied with this.

Whites Lies - To Lose My Life(2009)

Songs to check out: Farewell to the Fairground, Death, From the Stars, To Lose My Life.

If any of you guys follow this during work hours and can't listen to any of the videos, I apologize. My suggestion is to get a new job. But, if that is not feasible and you're quite pleased with your job(besides the bullshit restrictions) then just show your boss this picture.

Let him know your retard cousin, decided to write a blog and only has a few months left to live and all you want to do is follow the only joy he gets out of his simple life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 Bands Worth Checking Out (1 of 5)

Who knew the Scottish could rock out?

We Were Promised Jetpacks - These Four Walls(2009)

Songs to check out: Quiet Little Voices, It's Thunder and It's Lighting, This is my House-This is my Home, Keeping Warm

Reminds me of the Killers with a little more umph. Whole album is great. Glasvegas is another Scottish rock group making some noise.

Also, I bought a goat in July. I'll follow that story up in the next few days.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Gladiator 2

Looks like Braveheart and Gladiator had a baby...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

There are millions of homeless people in the ocean.

First, read this article(takes 1 min).... "Scientists say dolphins should be treated non-human persons". First, I find it amusing that the leading researcher is Lori Marino.

If you're that lazy and don't want to read, the quick summary of it is that dolphins are smart, probably even smarter than chimps, have the 2nd largest brain(scaling to body mass), can see the future, can tap-dance in the ocean, and they hate doing aerial backflips in public.

I remember one of the Simpsons episodes, where the dolphins invaded the land and basically wanted to kill everyone. Quite a bold prediction by Mr. Groening. But seriously, if they are highly intelligent, cultural animals capable of learning, visualizing themselves and future decisions then who really knows the species' limits. I've got somewhat of an idea, though.

Let's just say along comes one dolphin with fucked up front fins, kind of like a penguin. Dolphins like to play and shit, so this one starts putting sand together and basically makes sand castles. Lots of other dolphins see this and try to make their own sand sculptures but they are not nearly as good as the freak dolphin with three fingers. This attracts every single babe dolphin and he gets to have dolphin sex and pass along his messed up fins. The sand castle thing is a big hit and soon the dolphins with penguin hands get laid more and so on and so forth, literally every single dolphin has hands. The other fingers are developed with sand castle precision and other random stuff. Soon the dolphins find that hands are good at catching fish hiding in small places, but the ones with the longest fin-hands get the most fish which leads to healthier, more hook-up-able dolphin. Overtime fin-hands are developed into arms. And boom, you basically have merman and mermaids. Unfortunately, this evolutionary process has a million flaws.

The point I'm trying to make out of the article is why don't we treat them as DOLPHINS. If they are highly-intelligent, more sensitive, and shouldn't be held captive(which they want to be), then re-define the way we treat DOLPHINS, but for fuck's sake don't call them people. Which you are when you use the word "person" and I just checked and a person "is a human being, whether man, woman, or child"( I don't know who to blame here, but to me the title reads, "Scientists say dolphins should be treated as non-human, human beings."

So, the next time you see a dolphin whether it be wild, at sea world, or an aquarium, at least give it a little bowl of soup, because we all know how much homeless people like soup.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sore Reminder

Been a while since I've felt like this before. This weekend Bermuda Lacrosse is having its "tryouts" for the National squad. It's not much of tryouts because there's about 25 people at our practice and about five won't be playing because they are really, really bad. Its the honest truth, they just haven't been playing the game long at all and won't be on the squad and they mostly know this.

We had two practices today and will have two tomorrow. They're not strenuous practices, but I've got that "sore in the morning" feel already going on and I'm drained of energy. It's literally been a struggle to microwave a can of soup. But, I think that's just more me, being lazy as shit.

The team is being coached by the head coach of Cabrini. I had to look them up, top 10 DIII team. Obviously, he knows what he's talking about. We've done a few things that were done in Oosterbaan. I got giddy when we ran the Airforce drill(I think that's the right name for it). Except, the offensive doesn't run back to recovering the next 3v2. I also heard my two least favorite words today. Dialogue...

Coach: "Dougy, go PLAY MIDDIE"
Doug: Get the fuck out of here.
Coach: Alright, sorry, calm down. Stay down at attack.

Just kidding, I love middie! The O will be running a lot of invert stuff. But seriously, I hate middie.

Right now, +60 knot winds are bashing a tree against my apartment. Forecasts were for 30-40 knot winds, with gusts +50 today. Luckily there was no rain and we were able to practice perfectly. Although, the ride on the way over was unnerving. It's not really cool, when a gust can literally shift your bike a foot over lightning fast. Into oncoming traffic. I had a few multiple "oh fuck" moments while trying to regain control of bike. You almost have to drive into the shoulder to make up for the wind.

If you're curious to see who we might be playing in the tournament. Here's the website. 2010 World Championships. My guess is we'd facing lacrosse super-giants such as Lativa, Hong Kong, and the dominant force of Slovakia. I've been told that we'd open in a round robin format with groups divided by level of play. If we win that group, we'd advance to the playoff format. I'm not sure how many teams from each group would advance, but I know that the lowliest group(mostly like us), only advanced their champion, Finland, in 2006.

That's it for today. I've had several people asked why I stopped writing. There's a few reasons, I didn't think anybody read this/enjoyed this. And if it was only 2 people, that's not enough to persuade me to regularly update this glorious blog's content. Also, not a big fan of talking about myself. So, I'm gonna try to update ONCE a DAY, with one post, that will be usually fairly short. Hopefully that will be easier to follow and give yourself a little more joy out of your day between the hours between 9am and 5pm.

Best video of the decade. Wait, did I say decade, because i meant EVER.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Here we go again. Another year. Another large set of goals and expectations that the majority of us will not come close to fulfilling(restarting the blog). But here's what I'm aiming at...

1. Create incentives for job growth.
2. Continue to oversee stabilization of economy.
3. Encourage development and research in sustainable energy, particularly wind, water, and solar.
4. Make sure North Korea doesn't blow up the world.
5. Make personal twitter account.
6. Find and kill Osama bin Laden.
7. Redevelop security infrastructure to nation's airports.
8. See Avatar in IMAX 3D.
9. Stop pissing off most taxpayers.
10. Fistfight Glenn Beck on pay-per view and have all proceeds go to families of deceased military.

OH WAIT, these aren't my resolutions, they're Obama's. Bet he's pumped to see Avatar.

I'd consider emptying my bank account to see Obama fist fight Glenn Beck.