So, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I've had the same question running through my mind the past couple days....How the hell is it March already??? I no longer have lacrosse to kind of guide my seasonal timing, so each week that seems the same is actually progressing through each month...duh.
Its quite a different feel tracking UM lax now. I didn't know how exactly I'd feel after it was all over, but as I thought, I definitely miss it. Its I guess, "depressing" when I check the website and see "@ Chapman 7pm Saturday" and know that I can't play in it, let alone watch it.
But it is also great to be an alumni now, there's a lot of pride to see the guys you play with work hard and get fulfillment out of the effort they put in. I can't wait for that Chapman game to be on TV. ESPN, I seriously fucking hate you Wes. And just Wes. I also thought about the '76 Miami Dolphins, only undefeated team in NFL history, and think that it'd be pretty cool if our year was the only one to go undefeated. It's not as "unique" if another team(09 Mich) does it. But that's not the case at all. I really, really hope that Michigan goes undefeated again this year. That would be unreal.
The other thing that I miss about lax is how it kept my gut in check. Graham knows what I'm talking about. I feel like Hrusovsky circa Summer 2007. But, I can't make fun of Ant too much; he's proving that somebody from Lake Forest can actually play good lacrosse.
However, I do get exercise pretty frequently. Monday & Thursday are futbol on our pitch. Usually 5 v 5 or less, but it gets me out of breath at times. Lacrosse is now Tuesday(indoor) and Sunday(outdoor). Lax usually plays out for at least 2 hours, so it's a good workout. And I can friggin walk or jog whenever I damn well please.
Breaking story though, this Sunday at lacrosse I BELIEVE to have gotten my first tan of Bermuda. Hopefully someday my tan will look as good as this guys.

The rest of my March will be a short cruise from the 16th-20th. And then up north to Anchorage on March 31st before taking a prop plane to Dutch Harbor and leave April 2nd for 40 days on the Bering Sea.
haha, blow me
that picture made me uncontrollably laugh out loud in the middle of my cube farm.
that guy kicks ass. how little self awareness can he possibly have.
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