I wasn't satisfied at all with my choice of costume this year. I didn't think about bringing anything down, so last minute I went into Hamilton to look at what they had. All the Adult costumes were ridiculous, who the hell wants to be Barney Rubble or your classic "Pimp"... are you kidding me? The morons who are making the costumes must have a ridiculous surplus. Also, I wasn't going to be paying 70 bucks for a costume, plus all the sweet costumes like an Eyore jumpsuit were for kids. I debated for about 7 minutes deciding whether or not I could fit into it. Anyway, I grabbed a box, cut a hole in for my head, taped on an alarm clock and book and made some drawers with marker and boom, and you got your One-Night Stand. I wasn't going to be going out into the city, so I felt it was appropriate to wear it to the Wind. I wouldn't dare be caught out with it on at a club or bar. The Wind suprisingly had a pretty good turnout, 50 or so total which is large for the place. A good amount of the younger staff, plus 20 or so Fall08 Students, and a group of Freshmen Princeton kids were here for the week. They started a dance party. One-Night Stand guy immediately found a reason to be obnoxious.
Tobacco Bay
On Saturday, I headed to Tobacco Bay with a few people to hit up another snorkeling spot in St. George's. I was pretty impressed by it. You can see from the pic that the beach is on the right and the sandy bottom extends out midway into the bay before it starts to get deeper. There's also a bar right by the beach, but I think it's closed down for the year. When I first checked out the Bay it was packed by Tourists. On Saturday, the cruise ships are gone so the beach was nice and quiet. Another good thing about Tobacco is the big rock formations, they were great for climbing up and jumping off into the sea. For some reason I saw a few golf balls lying maybe 5m or so deep and wondered what the hell...apparently you drop a golf ball to see how deep it is before you jump off into a spot. It's like a tiny round Secchi Disk(used for determing visible light depth). I don't know, I wouldn't really trust a golf ball before jumping in. Anyway, an octupus was spotted as well as an underwater cave was found. The geek that I am, I'm itching to get my hands on a field guide to start IDing what I've been seeing.
BATS Cruise
So I got some pretty cool news a few days ago. I'm going on my sampling cruise, which will be departing on Sat. November 8 and returing on 12th. Only a short cruise, but it gives me time to learn some basics while the Research Tech I'm replacing still has time to teach me a few things. I guess this is an appropriate time to talk about the research that I will be associated with.
I will be the tech for analyzing samples of almost everything phosphorus, this includes...Total Dissolved Phosphorus, Soluble Reactive P, Particulate Organic P, and I think a few more P analyses. All of this is part of BATS, an acronym for the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series. It is a long-term sampling effort to gain a better understanding of the biological and chemical cycles of the Deep Ocean. It is extremely relevant to Climate Change, particularly understanding carbon exchange between the oceans and atomosphere. My work with phosphorus relates to biology of phytoplankton, a major component for removing carbon from the atomosphere. An overview: http://www.bios.edu/research/bats.html
But enough with the scientific crap, I'm jacked to go on this...

Somewhat of a short-post, but I've got a few links to post. I'll try to post more this week and keep a few notes on my days at sea.
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