I apologize for not posting? Apparently some of you are actually reading this. Sorry for the delay, it's been a fairly busy first four days or so.
Working Man
They haven't really had me do much yet. On Tuesday there was a Cruise leaving on the Atlantic Explorer and the scientists seemed a little flustered having like a day and a half to prep for a 2 week long voyage. So I kind of followed along, was showed some things and helped load the boat as well get a tour. Wednesday, I was shown around the office and lab and explained a few things, how to clean vials/tubes and so I've spent the past two afternoons cleaning and stuff. My boss is in Alaska for meeting about a Bering Sea sampling effort, and the tech I'm replaced just left for the weekend. So I've been hanging out and working only a few hours a day.
The Batman
My work will be done mostly for BATS, the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series. BATS does a number of things related to nutrients, trace metals and some other things, so phosphorus is what my main priority will be. Potentially, I'll be able to go out on a cruise for training in November.
A Millie, a millie, a millie.
For anybody that's worked in a lab DI or Deionized water is called Milli-Q. Nobody I asked could explain to me why it was called that...
The Bio Station
So without much work, I've been slowly getting used to how everything works around here and the island. My mornings have been dealing with paperwork and searching around for people to answer questions that pop up. Just until yesterday, Thursday, I was able to get into the Town of St. George.
St. Georgies
The town has about 2 main cobbled little streets, with about 80 or so small shops that deal mostly with tourism clothing. I really like it though, its really clean, people are very friendly, and of course, its beautiful from the photo above.
So I needed to get a phone since I'm gonna be here for like 2 years or so. So I went into this store called Alltalk and had my first experience with a resident Bermudian. It took me about an hour and a half to get my phone. It's hilarious, no matter who came in, he knew them chatted with them for a couple minutes, came back to me, chatted with more. They just freaking love to talk. I've never seen a person get so distracted. Maybe Wes.
But finally got a phone. I forget the number, but I'll let you know what it is soon. You'll be able to call me as soon as I get my international provider to hook me up. Unlimited talking after 7pm. BOOYAH.
Its hit me now that I'm paying for all my stuff now, which is nice. I've been sick of borrowing money and being on the typical college student "allowance".
Prices. Prices are absolutely insane. Just a few...Digornio Frozen Pizza, small, $9. Peanuts, $7. On a lot of things its about double as it is in the States, some not as much or almost normal. I was able to get to a relatively nice supermarket on St. Davids, the other island on St. Geroge's Parish. Theres like 9 Parishes on Bermuda, parish just divides them up into communities. I got a ride from another apartment resident. Oh yeah, there's cars here, I was told none, but nope all tiny little things. Back on track....going through the grocery store I was amazed at prices and I ended up spending about 170 on bare essentials. My Dad and I had debated on what to bring, like shampoo and stuff like that, and I should've brough an entire box of my toiletry items. I still don't have shower curtain. My floor is soaked and I managed to soak an old Time magazine in there. Price was on it too still, 7.80...for a magazine.
Past three nights, I've gone out drinking. Tuesday into St. George's and Thursday night into some place called the Swizzle. Thursdays at Swizzle is trivia and live entertainment. Feels like College a little...nice. The guy who plays at Swiz is somewhat of a legend. I've been told that he gets so shitfaced on jaeger that he'll strip and play naked. I saw him take about 8 or so shots of the stuff and nothing. He was a large enough man to polish off a couple bottles. Also, our table won trivia, we got 4 bottles of Dissorgno. Anyway, the man's name is Ray and he can play. And drink.
At the table, there was a visitor of one of the Biostation staff from Britain that I chatted with a little. Or tried to, I honestly couldn't understand a word she was saying. Something like Iom Frum Dublparish en Noreigh. I had to ask her so many times to repeat what she was saying that she started laughing at me. I felt retarded. After Swizzle we headed back to our own bar...
The Winds
So we actually have a bar on the station. It's unreal, self serve bar, with 1.75 bottles of anything, all good stuff too. So staff constantly drinks here because everything else is so expensive. The past 3 nights have ended up at the Winds, which is about 100yds from my office/lab and 3 minute walk or so back to my apartment. Its got a dart board, foos, nice big flatscreen. It's really, really unhealthy of how convenient this place is. A lot more to talk about, especially with the winds, but I wanted to post a few things.
Out of touch
I'm kind of behind on sports, news, and everything else. Although, it should be easy to follow once I get into a routine. I saw parts of the debate, but didn't really pay attention, my votes already in. Schwartzenger. My vote would of been for Obama had he taken Will Smith has his running mate.
This is the sole reason why nobody should be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. Palin doesn't believe in Dinosaurs. Why on earth would you rob yourself of such a fantastic fact. Her childhood must of been terrible. I think I might mail a copy of the Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and maybe a few fossils to her newborn, Tractor.
Also, just to remind everyone...Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World is still the greatest movie of all time.
I'm F*&king ...
Haha, this refers to a few short clips done by Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel. Hilarious, watch em.
I'm F*&ing Matt Damon
I'm F*&king Ben Affleck
Most of you know, I wasted hours finding clips online during college, I'm very excited to start sharing them with you. Like this one...learn to pop and break!!
I'm out, I guess this was a long post. More to come and hopefully more often. With more links, more pictures, and more stories.
I'm really proud of you for not only learning to include links, but also having a photo. Soon you'll be moving onto videos, and fading banners like huddy. I hope u disappear into "the triangle". All the worst.
like those joe
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