If you haven't turned on the TV in maybe 2 weeks, you probably didn't know that Jack Bauer and his silly antics resumed Sunday for Season 7 aka Day 7. Those witty writers. I started asking myself a few questions during the build up of previews. One, should I watch? I remembered enjoying season 1. Got excited for Season 2 and was a little blown away by the outlandish plots( something that FOX does extremely well) and just missed shows due to practice/games most likely. Second, what is Jack Bauer's salary? He's got to have a wealth of overtime.
Answer to the first question is Yes, I watched it. I actually liked the first 2 hour block on Sunday. But then, FOX throws another 2hrs at you Monday night. Who the hell as that many hours to devote to 24 besides maybe this fat dog who can do nothing but move away from the TV.

So, I missed this Monday and I will further debate whether it is worth my time.
But in honor of Jack Bauer and to actually propose my single day is crazier than his...I will document my Wednesday, January 14, 2009.
These events take place between 745am to 1045pm on Wednesday, January, 14, 2009.
Location: Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. St. George's, Bermuda.
745 - Alarm goes off.
800 - Second Alarm goes off.
807 - Not yet ready to get out of bed.
813 - Still not ready.
824 - Leave Bed.
825 - Approach Toilet.
834 - Finish shower. Clothes on. Proceed to work.
----You'll have to imagine the beeping noises with each time stamp---
845 - Remove samples from Freezer. Start water bath.
935 - Pour off Samples.
1025 - Pour off Samples.
1132 - pouroffsamples
1245 - profsmpl
1320 - Lunch. Sandwich. Pear. Water.
1402 - Return to lab.
1403 - See someone leave my lab.
1411 - I yell after him. He turns around. Middle eastern descent, scar over left eyebrow. Raises his wrist to show a tattoo. Looks like a three hole outlet with line below the three holes, encompassed by a circle.
1412 - Start to run after. Realize that was the lab safety officer, showing me his smiley face tattoo.
1414 - Return to lab.
1419 - Find bomb planted by lab safety officer/TERRORIST.
1420 - Defuse bomb.
1421 - Call Lab Manger to discuss terrorist. No answer, go to office.
1427 - See manager dragged off by 4 armed men.
1428 - Attacked from the side by 2 men. Use karate chop. Both unconscious. Refuse to pick up their guns.
1430 - Grab bike. Pursue mysterious men off of BIOS campus.
1433 - Lose kidnappers. Reminded how slow Bike is. Return to work deciding to not worry about it.
1439 - Decide to worry about it. Steal high speed boat and take off down St. George Harbor.
1449 - Boat runs out of gas. Use phone to call for help.
1528 - Wait for help.
1613 - Wait for help.
1627 - Call again. They said they forgot, Apologized.
1701 - Help arrives.
1702 - Realize they forgot gas.
1704 - Knock out the helper. Take boat.
1714 - Realize nearly 2.5.hrs gone by without contact. Head home.
1734 - Arrive back to lab. Lab is on fire.
1736 - I am told the samples I left in the Autoclave, caught fire and burnt down most of lab.
1739 - Nearly fired. Discovered not my fault.
1759 - Decide it is time for Dinner.
1832 - Watch MTV Jams.
1901 - Start to cook.
1903 - Hear loud sirens.
1905 - Pounding at door.
1906 - Informed my cooking set off Fire Alarm. Everyone is upset.
1930 - Eat
2103 - Woke up from accidental nap.
2210 - Decide to document day.